By Apple Cebedo
Whether you are new to exercise or have been active for a long time, you will encounter some barriers along the way that may hold you back from achieving your goals. Here are the top 5 roadblocks to being physically fit and how to overcome each one:
- Time
“I don’t have time.” I constantly hear this phrase when it comes to fitness and it is the number one excuse for not being physically active. For most of us, the hustle and bustle of our busy lives seems to have no room for fitness. But if you make your health a priority in your life, you will make time for yourself, regardless of how “busy” you are. There will never be the right time to step on that treadmill for the first time – YOU have to decide to take that first step and YOU create that first time. After that first step, take the second step and keep going until you make it a habit. Prioritize your health by writing down what you plan to do in your calendar. Start with 30 minutes of physical activity daily; that’s 2% of your day, which is not a lot of time at all!
- Money
Lack of money is the second excuse for inactivity and what some will say is a huge roadblock to their health and fitness goals. Exercise programs, personal trainer sessions, diet plans, gym memberships, athletic clothing and accessories are not cheap or necessary. And there are plenty of options to engage in physical activity without breaking the bank. Outdoor exercises such as jogging, walking, running, and hiking are a great start for beginners; they’re also free! Another good resource is YouTube and social media. Plenty of health and fitness professionals have social media platforms dedicated to helping and motivating others to become healthy and fit. Explore the Internet, find out what you are interested in and follow! Another good thing about social media is that it works on your own time (see #1).
- Diet
A common misconception about fitness is that if you exercise, it doesn’t matter what you eat. The opposite is actually true. If you exercise, it matters even MORE what you eat. Fitness is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition. The science is simple – in order to lose weight, your caloric intake must be less than your caloric expenditure. Our metabolism is designed to store excess calories if they are not used and there are only so many calories you can expend in an hour of exercise. If you think about how many times you eat in one day, you spend more time eating than exercising! A proper diet and healthy eating habits are more important than how fast you can run or how heavy you can lift. See a nutritionist or a registered dietician if you’re unsure about getting the proper nutrition.
- Lack of support and motivation
For those of you who are new to exercise, it can be overwhelming to step into the gym or try that yoga class for the first time; especially if you’re doing it alone. Motivation is important to help get you started on your goals, and support and accountability is what will keep you on track towards them. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals, and who are also working towards their own fitness. Not only is it fun to exercise with someone, but also you’re motivating and inspiring each other to be active and healthy! If you ever find yourself unmotivated to exercise, just remember what your goals are and remind yourself of how important it is to you and you will push through it. If you need some tips on how to get motivated, read my previous article on motivation. (https://filcanmagazine.com/index.php/2016/05/20/get-off-your-butt-5-ways-to-get-motivated/)
- Disbelief in oneself
“What is achievable in your life is based upon the beliefs you tell yourself.” – Karen Salmansohn
We are our own worst critics. We expect too much and we become disappointed when our efforts don’t give us the results we desire. It can be frustrating when you work hard at the gym for weeks and only lose a pound at the end of the month. But tell yourself that there is always a reason why; that you can always figure it out and overcome it by believing in yourself. Say, “I know I can do it, so I will.” Be realistic with yourself and set goals you know you can reach. Reward yourself when you reach those goals, then move on to the next goal and reward yourself again. Continue to stay positive with your efforts! The only time we fail is when we give up. So keep trying, and don’t stop! You will get there.
Apple Cebedo is a Personal Fitness Trainer, Nutritionist, and an Independent Beachbody Health Coach based in Calgary, Alberta. She is passionate about health, fitness, nutrition, and hopes to motivate and inspire others to live healthier, happier lives. If you are looking for help to get started with your health and fitness journey, she can be contacted via email at abcebedo@gmail.com.
# Filipino Canadian Magazine # filcanmagazine # FCM magazine
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