Get Off Your Butt: 5 Ways to Get Motivated

by Apple Cebedo

By Apple Cebedo


Each one of us has our own health and fitness journey, and each one of us struggle in achieving our goals. One of the biggest struggles we face is the lack of motivation to start living a healthier lifestyle. We all know it’s better for us to eat healthy and exercise, but we all struggle to push ourselves into actually doing it. Motivation plays a huge factor in achieving our goals and it all starts in the mind. The more positive our thoughts are, the more positive our actions are, and the more successful we will be!

Here are 5 ways to get motivated:

  1. Find your WHY.

Think about ‘WHY’ you want to be healthy. Is it to lose weight? Gain/build muscle? Increase flexibility? Eat better to avoid illness? Those are all great physical goals. But think about your mental and emotional goals as well.

Do you want to achieve a certain level of accomplishment? Do you waste time by making excuses and would like to change that? Do you want to be more confident? Do you want to SUCCEED?

Your ‘Why’ will be the center of your goals and will be the purpose for you to change your life. It will help motivate you to do ANYTHING. Think about it. You can change the way you think if you let yourself!

What is YOUR Why?

  1. Set one, small goal.

Set goals and start small. Drink one more glass of water every day this week. Eat out only once a week. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator at work. Have only 2 cookies instead of 3.

Progress takes time and it’s better to set smaller, achievable goals and accomplish them one by one rather than setting a big goal that’s too complicated and you won’t even know where to start. Not only will you be more successful in doing so, it will be less stress for you and you will see results quicker, which will motivate you even more!

  1. Prioritize.

“Health is wealth.” Yes, it’s a cliché, but it is 100% true. When you are healthy, you can do anything you set your mind to. But you have to tell yourself that it’s important, otherwise, you won’t do it!

Prioritize your health and you will be amazed at the results that follow. Schedule your workouts in your calendar. Set a reminder on your phone for when you have to drink water and eat a proper meal. Make sure you eat breakfast every morning to kick start your day. Prepare your meals ahead of time. Remind yourself every day that it matters to you.

  1. Draw inspiration from positive sources.

“Life is too short…”

You’ve heard this phrase time and time again. Be yourself and don’t allow negativity to affect your life. If it doesn’t lift you up, leave it on the bottom. It will stay there, but you won’t. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Do activities that make you happy. Go to places you’ve always wanted to go. Just live! Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities. Conquer them and be brave. You will love yourself more for it.

  1. Believe in yourself.

Motivation starts internally – from within yourself. It all starts with YOU. Nobody will do it for you but YOU.

If YOU want success, YOU have to work for it. If YOU want to change your lifestyle, YOU have to do it. If YOU want to be better, YOU have to do more than ‘good’.

Your accomplishments are yours, your successes are yours, your happiness is yours. Be proud of your journey – no matter how small or big your achievements will be, or how long it may take, or how many sacrifices you will make. The journey is the most exciting and rewarding part of it all, the destination is just a bonus. So keep pushing, keep going, and keep being a better YOU!


Apple Cebedo

Apple Cebedo is a Fitness Trainer, Nutritionist, and an Independent Beachbody Health Coach based in Calgary, Alberta. She is passionate about health, fitness, nutrition, and hopes to motivate and inspire others to live healthier, happier lives. If you are looking for help to get started with your health and fitness journey, she can be contacted via email at



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