FCM One-on-One presents: Annie Chua (Part 3)

Annie Chua with Vicky Cordero and Annabelle Pagaling of FCM


FCM One-on-One presents:
Annie Chua
Entrepreneur and Author of Domestically Yours


Part III

For Part II, click here.

FCM: What prompted you to write the book?
AC: I want to share what I’ve experienced in Canada, so other Filipinos know that there is a gateway for them to come to Canada. There’s no story available on how to get here as a domestic helper and what the process is of becoming a permanent residence. My book is about that, and it includes my inspiring story.

FCM: How is the book doing?
AC: We launched the book in August 2015. After six months, it went number one twice on Amazon, on the Elder Care category. People are ordering online. In downtown Edmonton, there’s a bookstore which took in copies for sale.

FCM: Who is your target audience for your book?
AC: My fellow Filipinos. I’m collaborating with National Book Store to sell it in the Philippines. Next year we’ll have it released.

FCM: Tell us your book journey. How did you go about it?
AC: I started with thinking about how to write a book. I went to Google and did research. I compiled my journal and put it all in a word document. I sent it to a publisher, and it was rejected.   It was more than 300 pages. I researched some more and found an editor. I paid a lot for editing. From 300 pages, we reduced it to 180. After that, the publisher took it in. Then I had to find a graphic designer to design the cover. The title was hard to come up with.

FCM: What are some of the challenges of publishing a book?
AC: Funding. It’s expensive to have the book edited and to pay for the graphics designer. I’m also not a writer. This was a challenge. But I love reading books, and I just want to help other people which is why I wrote my book.

For Part IV, click here.




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