By Marie Joyce Lomboy
A woman faces many changes in her lifetime and often has to wear many hats at the same time to fulfill her ever changing roles. One of the biggest and probably the most important role she may take is becoming a mother. A common struggle faced by many mothers is juggling between family and career. I went through this experience as I started my own family and became a mother myself. At some point, I put my career on hold to raise my two daughters. Yes, I held a full-time job, but it was not where I wanted to be. I knew I have so much more potential in me. Deep inside I yearned to explore my untapped talents. I’ve always been fascinated by beautiful homes and often pulled inspiration by visiting show homes when I needed cheering up. The thought of studying while working and taking care of family can be very overwhelming or even fearful to some. With much contemplation, prayers, and support from my husband, one night I made a decision to put doubts and fears aside, and to chase my dreams. I took an online course and studied Interior Design.
How do you fulfill your dreams even when you are already a mother?
I have five tips for you:
- Time Management
It can be challenging especially when you have little children, but you have to try to set aside a few hours each day. I did this by reading on the bus to and from work, studying in my office at lunch time, and even studying late at night when everyone at home was asleep. At times, I even used vacation time to do school work.
- Discipline and Focus
Set a goal and stick to it. Set attainable timelines for you to finish each assignment and keep distractions away. At times when I felt like giving up, I imagined what it would be like to be at the finish line; holding that diploma and thinking about the possibilities of designing beautiful homes.
- Motivation
When times get tough, think about why you started. Think about the people that inspire you. Think about the people that will cheer for you to keep going, and will be the first to rejoice with you with your victories.
- Support System
It helps to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who will encourage you and boost your spirit. My husband (Cristobal Lomboy) was this person for me. He believed in me…He often said “I got your back.”
Lastly, and don’t forget this…
- Reward Yourself
You have to celebrate your achievements. Reward yourself when you accomplish even your smallest goal. Go out to dinner with family, go shopping, take a day off from studying…do whatever makes you happy.
With much determination and discipline, I am proud to say that I now have another diploma (that I earned with flying colors) to add to my achievements.
Currently, I am still working on my next big goal for my career. I have yet a long list of dreams to fulfill and a long journey ahead of me, but what is important is that I have made a step closer. I am a believer that if you can dream it, you can make it happen. So, come out of your comfort zone and start working on your dreams.
Let me close by leaving you a couple of my favorite quotes by Les Brown. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”
Marie Joyce Lomboy is a wife and a mother of two beautiful girls. She is an IT professional who has worked with prestigious IT and oil companies in Calgary. She has a passion for designing and decorating and an eye for color. She recently completed an Interior Design course, and is an aspiring Interior Designer.
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