A Pancake Story

By Sherrylyn Vivero


It’s almost sunrise, and my biological clock is ticking. Instead of crawling back to bed I decided to write…

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Ron dropped me and our two little ones in a play area so he can help my brother Leo move stuff to their brand new place in Mission BC. As I was passing by, I noticed some people avoiding a panhandler in front of us, so he went back to the streets to “panhandle for money.”

Walking in an uphill pavement, pushing the stroller and opening the door is quite a struggle. Then someone opened the door for us. When I looked up, “Aha!”, it was the panhandler. He smiled, and I smiled back. He lined up, and I wondered if he has enough cash to buy his food. Then I asked the one in front of the counter to kindly take his order as well.

Vivero Films

We all sat down at one table. It was a very uncomfortable at first because he was a stranger and my mama bear’s instinct kicked in to protect my little cubs. Haven and I prayed for the food, and he was eyeing for the food already.

Then I reminded myself, “It’s just a meal, and we’re going to enjoy it. Just think about your patients that you’ve handled and encountered before. Sherrylyn, relax, and don’t let him smell your fear.” Then Tadahhhh! I calmed my nerves while keeping an eye on him. He just doesn’t care; he devoured his pancakes and sausages in a mouthful. I smiled knowing that he’s at ease and enjoying his meal.

His name is Martin. I thanked him for helping us and he smiled with a big gulp of his rich black coffee. Martin shared he got hit twice already by a car because he was always drunk. He lived in the street alone for quite some time now.

(Photo with Martin)

“People avoid me because I am always drunk, I smoke and take drugs; even my brother left me. But now I am happy that I don’t do drugs and don’t drink anymore. It harms my body when I’m in withdrawal,” he added.

I listened to his story while I enjoy my hot yummy tea. Then a staff came over and offered everyone free coffee refill. Martin was very glad, “This is my alcohol now,” and he let out a good laugh. We were both laughing together.

After about an hour, I asked, “where are you heading now Martin?”

“I need to go back on the street and ask for more money. My assistance from the government will come in about 5- 7 more days from now.”

He looked up to me and said, “Thank you for the meal, I haven’t had anything to eat for a couple of days now.”

I felt for him. “I Thank you, Martin because our path crossed today. I don’t have money to give you but take this.” I handed him a $25 grocery gift card. (The wipes & diapers of our kids can wait, he needs it more, I thought).

Martin asked, “Do you come here often?” I said, “not very much, why?”

“Because when I see you, I want to return this gift card to you,” he said.

“That’s very kind of you, but you don’t need to give it back to me, just pass on the kindness. If you see anyone that needs your help- give.”

And before I knew it, “Whoow!” he gave me a big hug and a quick cheek to cheek thank you. He waved goodbye to the kids, put on his jacket & walked out of the door.

My heart was happy. “Sherrylyn what just happened today?” I asked myself. I felt a warm tear trying to escape my eyes. Then, my sister-in-law Lissa popped up by the door to pick us up. We got the kids inside her car. “How was your day sis?” she asked. “It’s a great day sis and we loved the yummy pancake! ”.

Meeting Martin made me more realize the amount of blessings I have. I am thankful for my supportive husband, healthy kids, loving family & friends. I am living my dream and I’m thankful for Jesus in our life and for the little miracles I witness and celebrate in every season of life whether in abundance or need.


From our family to yours, A Blessed & Happy THANKSGIVING!

-By Sherrylyn Vivero

Ron and Sherrylyn

Ron and Sherrylyn are based out of Calgary, Alberta. They’re an amazing couple, successful entrepreneurs (photography and video), and passionate about their church and the community. They are a great role model for young couples!   Visit their website: www.viverofilms.com


# Filipino Canadian Magazine # filcanmagazine # FCM magazine

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