FCM Connect With Michael Sopiarz, Winner of the Darling of the Year Award, Mr. Pilipinas Canada Pageant
Tell us about yourself. When did you immigrate to Canada, and what are you doing now?
Hello! My name is Michal Sopiarz, 19 Years Old from Edmonton Alberta Canada. I was born and raised In Canada. I am half Filipino and half Polish. Currently, I am working as a personal fitness trainer at LA Fitness. As well going to NAIT college finishing my final year of personal training.
What made you decide to enter into the Mr. Pilipinas Canada pageant contest?
Although understanding the circumstances of this pageant being located three hours away from Edmonton. I always keep my mind to be open to new opportunities. This is something that was well thought out, and if I were to pursue this path, I would go all in.
Why is it important to get involved in events such as this pageant? What are the benefits?
There are many benefits to joining a competition. For instance, like prizes, qualifications, and recognition. Although being in a different city, it allowed for me to connect with different people. Creating connections with my Filipino side in another community (Calgary. That was the most rewarding feeling.
What are the downsides of joining a pageant?
The downside of joining this pageant was definitely the distance. Driving every weekend to and from Calgary was pretty tough. All the candidates were great people. It was a fun time during every rehearsal and was worth the ride.
When you won the Darling of the Media award, what went through your mind?
For winning Darling of the Media award, it was a great confidence booster to push me further for the main competition on October 8th, 2017. It displayed what I was capable of doing and allowed for further growth down the road.
Who inspires you and why?
The positive people in my life is who inspires me to become successful which includes my family, friends, or even just a person with a positive, productive outlook on life. I believe in always doing something that has meaning, to reach an overall end goal. Surrounding yourself in an environment with individuals of the same outlook would allow for continuous growth.
What would you like to achieve in the future?
In the future, I plan to compete, invest, and better my family. Life’s about taking challenges and surpassing them. I already have 3-4 more competitions lined up in the next four months. During this time I’ll be training clients, going to college, creating YouTube videos, and always doing something at the end that leads to productivity. So, my future consists of hard work. Nothing can replace hard work, and one day all that hard work that goes unnoticed will mean something.
If you had to give three advice to young men, what would they be?
Be confident. Don’t let people put you down. Work hard for what you truly love.
If you could change anything in the world to make it a better place, what would it be and why?
Inner growth. If every individual has the desire to grow as a person, it would allow for further positivity. It could mean getting better at your job, putting on some muscle, winning a competition, or making your family happier. It’s about always wanting to improve an aspect of your life to enhance overall life itself.
Photo credit: LCR Photography
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