We proudly present to you our 6th Issue for the year themed “Overcoming Life’s Challenges.”
With the economic slowdown, changing immigration rules, conflicts around the globe, and just the challenges in life in general, we thought this topic would be useful for our readers.
We’re honored to feature Mr. Abe Brown on our front cover and as our main feature! Mr. Brown has coached thousands of people through his speaking engagement and life-coach practice where he trains and certifies life-coaches. His insights on overcoming challenges are invaluable!
For this issue, we introduced a new section, “In the Community.” Our goal for this section is to broadcast events in our community. If there’s anything you’d like us to broadcast for our upcoming issue, drop us a message on our Facebook account.
We want to thank all our contributors and supporters as always. Browse around our website to see what’s new. Give us feedback and suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Click the picture below to read the online magazine version or click the link: https://issuu.com/filipinocanadianmagazine/docs/2017_v2_i6
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