by: Annie Chua Frith
February 14, 1969 was the year I came out from my mother’s womb to see the beauty of the Earth. The best thing that happened to my parents that day was seeing this tiny girl, 5lbs and 8oz, few hair and teeny weeny hands and feet.
Well there were a lot of historical events happening in 1969. There was this much awaited first man landing on the moon in July 16, 1969; “The Internet” being born in April 7, 1969; The first GAP Store opened in Aug 21, 1969, ATM machine started in Sep 2, 1969 and a lot more.
What about me? Did I have historical events happen in my years of existence? YES! And there’s a lot to tell you. In between those years till now, I would like to start with all my accomplishments when I came to Canada, reflecting on it have made me realize that GOD had given me a good life. When I turned 20 and graduated my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, it enlightened me to the real world where jobs were hard to find for this degree so I ended up as a clerk in an international freight forwarding company and stayed there for more than a decade acquiring vast knowledge of the industry. At 34, a great opportunity came and without hesitation I managed to get in along with more than 5000 Live-In Caregivers in Canada in 2003. In the Live-in Caregiver job, I learned to personally appreciate the hard work entailed in this task and patience was really a virtue for most. All the more reasons to inspire that I published my adventure in Domestically Yours: A Caregiver’s Inspiring Journey which beyond my wildest expectations became #1 best seller in Amazon’s elderly category 5 days upon launching. Which also led me to become active in our community in Alberta and host Anne Buhay Canada, a Facebook live video log run by Filipino Portal group with 106k followers.
After the confirmation of my permanent residency, my destiny bounced back to freight forwarding industry gaining more access to wealth of information in the Canadian perspective. Which empowered myself to establish my own cargo forwarding company Assured Cargo International Ltd. This is not a typical “balikbayan box” business as most Filipino-Canadians known. Assured Cargo handles importation and exportation of commercial goods and deals directly with Canadian Border Services Agency for clearing goods into Canada. Even more better as a cargo agent, I managed to launch another venture, running a travel agency, Voyable Travel and Tours, where I could serve my fellow Kababayans (Filipinos) to get to their dream destinations.
These historical events in my 50 years has been amazingly encouraging, motivating and challenging. All these would have not been possible without the support of my husband Wes, my daughters and son in-laws who were very supportive in my quests. Lastly, I could not ask for more for the LORD has given much more than I deserve. Looking forward to the next 50 years.
Success tip: Trust for more abundance. It will come in a more powerful way. When that time comes, you will be far more happier than it is today. A good life will spring!
Author of Domestically Yours: A Caregiver’s Inspiring Journey
Golden Balangay Awardee
Host of Anne Buhay Canada
Director of Assured Cargo International
Director of Voyable Travel and Tours
Beautiful story Anne! Humble person like you is what we need to keep this world beautiful with success!