I was asked to speak at a fundraising event. I had a speech prepared a few days before, but when I got there, somehow my speech didn’t feel like it would suit the crowd. The audience was mainly young people. I decided to change my speech last minute. I wanted to give a message that would connect the young people with the community and get them thinking about how they can be a part of building a better community.
I started off talking about organic chemistry, one of the courses I took in college. One substance we had to study in this class was C4 or plastic explosives. If ignited, C4 generates a powerful force and leaves a permanent impact. The primary use of C4 is to change something drastically.
In the community, we too can have a C4 that can create a positive explosion. That’s communication, collaboration, celebration, and charity.
If we in the community, including the young people, committed to applying this C4, there will be an explosion of insights, businesses, arts, and most importantly, an explosion of positive mental attitude.
The first C stands for communication. Communication is the bridge between minds. Communication allows us to grow and learn from each other. It enables us to get things done. When we communicate openly, we can discuss difficult issues and find solutions that will help us move forward. Communication can prevent disagreements and strengthen bonds. This is true in family circles as it is for the community.
Collaboration is the second C. Collaboration allows us to work together towards our goals. If you want to see a strong community, then we need to practice collaboration. Collaboration will enable us to leverage each other’s strengths. We can accomplish a lot more together than just by ourselves. Collaboration shows unity in the community.
The third C is for celebration. Celebration brings the community together. It is the great equalizer as I always say because it can take us pass difficult issues, even just temporarily, giving us room to enjoy each other’s company. Celebration reminds us of past successes. It brings out the pleasant feelings we have for one another. It cuts the tension and creates great memories. It reminds us that we are all in it together. A community that celebrates together stays together and grows together.
The last C is charity. It is the act of selfless giving. To give our time, resources, or insights freely is a clear sign of maturity and prosperity. Giving back shows we care, that our need to contribute is stronger than our need to keep it all to ourselves. Charity is what makes a community great. And I honestly believe this that if we bless others, we too will be blessed.
As we enter 2018, find a way to apply C4 in your life. In your own way, you can create your “positive explosion.” Communicate with others, collaborate on initiatives, celebrate with people, and lastly, practice charity and give back.
I wish you all the prosperous 2018.
Abel Pagaling
Next Level Coach
CEO, FCM – Filipino Canadian Magazine
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